Volunteering at Bruny Island District School

There is a strong tradition of parent and community member involvement at Bruny Island District School.  Volunteers are warmly welcomed to share a little or a lot of their expertise with the students and the school. In the past parents have been involved with teaching the game of chess, various artistic projects, craft, partner reading and providing a delicious and healthy hot lunch once a week. 

School Association

The School association is a volunteer body that meets a couple of times a term to hear about and discuss the working and events of the school. The Association ratifies the budget, school policies and is kept informed of staffing, school reports and the general running of the school. This committee is a perfect place to ask questions and have a say in the general working of the school.

Parents and Friends group

The P&F is a subgroup of the School Association and is the main fundraising body. The dedicated team of volunteers meet monthly to organise fundraising and social events. They run a biannual fair, create an annual calendar, coordinate discos for the students and are often seen at markets selling our school merchandise and products from our garden. The P&F also coordinate our wonderful weekly Hot Lunch where parents cook a lunch for the students often using produce from our garden and eggs from our chooks.

The money raised by the P&F has helped resource our library, funded numerous artists in residence and visiting authors, added to our playground, provided musical instruments and helped to redevelop our school oval.

Such volunteer work is integral to helping keep our school a great place for our students.

We celebrate our volunteers with an appreciation assembly near the end of the year.

INTERESTED IN volunteering?

Please send us a message via our contact page, we would love to hear from you.

All volunteers are required to have their Working with Vulnerable People check.

You can find apply for this at the following link - http://www.justice.tas.gov.au/working_with_children